Betekenis van:
silent partner

silent partner
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • commanditair
  • a partner (who usually provides capital) whose association with the enterprise is not public knowledge



silent partner
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • commanditaris, commanditair
  • a partner (who usually provides capital) whose association with the enterprise is not public knowledge




  1. Silent partner-ship
  2. Helaba's ‘silent partner-ship contribution’
  3. Within this limited partnership, SGN would act as managing partner, with the others as silent partners.
  4. The silent partner had by law no voting right, and the market did not grant any remuneration for the silent partner's ‘waiving’ of the possibility of exercising influence.
  5. The silent partner did not have a holding in the undertaking and had only rudimentary rights of control.
  6. A silent partnership differed here fundamentally from a holding in the share capital. The silent partner did not have a holding in the undertaking and had only rudimentary rights of control.
  7. Consequently, the silent partner is not protected in his asset interests by the intervention of the guarantor on the basis of Anstaltslast.
  8. A silent partnership differed significantly from share capital because the silent partner did not have a stake in the assets of the undertaking and also did not have any voting rights.
  9. This means that the Land co-founded a silent partnership with Helaba under Sections 230 et seq. of the German Commercial Code, i.e. a partnership whereby the silent partner has a capital holding in another business involving the transfer of a contribution to the assets of the active partner.
  10. Furthermore, the state contract between the Länder of Hessen and Thuringia on the formation of a joint savings bank organisation had authorised the bank to take up an atypical silent partner.
  11. The increase in private financing, as notified by Germany, is due mainly to the capital contribution from BVT, which became a non-typical silent partner in CWP (atypische stille Beteiligung) in December 1998.
  12. Since silent partners cannot by definition be involved in management, SGN as managing partner performs these activities and therefore acts on behalf of the limited partnership in these matters.
  13. The Land of Hessen, like any typical silent partner, participated, under the contract on the setting up of the silent partnership, only in Helaba's current profit and loss, but not in its undisclosed reserves, nor in the business value and increases in value in the operating assets.
  14. The silent partner did not have a holding in the undertaking and had only rudimentary rights of control. Whereas subscribed capital had to be remunerated through dividends after tax, the remuneration for a silent partnership contribution was a tax deductible operating expense.
  15. The fact that these costs correspond to the State’s shareholding in AVR Chemie do not alter the state aid character of the measure since, as a silent partner in AVR Chemie, the State would be responsible only to the extent of its shareholding, and not for additional claims that may exceed that amount.